Writing the best out of office email in English - The English Training Company

Writing the best out of office email in English

Writing the best out of office email in English.

black laptop computer

(Source: Stephen Phillips)our

Holidays/ Vacations: let’s be honest we all need them 🙂 ! 

Before we go I wanted to help you, here is a simple technique to write your ‘Out Of Office’ email.

Enjoy your holiday/vacation! I will and see you in September!! 🙂 


Writing the Best Out Of Office Email in English: INCLUDE

What should it include? Remember to include this basic info:

·        The date your leave/holiday will begin,
·        The exact date you will return,
·        Expectations about how and when you will respond,
·        Who to contact while you’re absent (if there is someone), OR
·        A warning that the entire office is closed (if everyone is away on holiday),
·        Whether or not you will have some or limited access to email (or have zero intent to check your email at all) Really? Yes, it can happen there are many places without good internet coverage.

Here is a template to help you, remember to fill in the [SPACES] with you own information:

Writing the Best Out Of Office Email in English: TEMPLATE

Subject: Out of office from [DATE] to [DATE]


Thank you for contacting me.

Currently, I am out of the office from [DATE] until [DATE] [for HOLUIDAY/CONFERENCE/etc. – optional] with [limited/no access] to my email.

If your matter is not urgent, I will follow up with you as soon as I return. But please note that my response may be delayed as I respond to all my missed messages.
If, however, you require immediate assistance, please contact [COWORKER’S NAME] at [EMAIL ADDRESS] or [PHONE NUMBER].



More of our material to help you write emails in English  – ‘150 phrases for Emails in English’


I hope this helps you with your professional English and in your professional career, Christopher!

Business English help. Remember if you have any questions or need help with your Business English please email us or email me directly, we’d love to help you 🙂 !  

The English Training Company – we help companies and professionals to become Advanced Business English Speakers!


This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 19th July 2021 under the categories: Emailing In English Tips
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