Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English - The English Training Company

Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English

Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English


Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English

Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English. Technical presentations can easily become text heavy and dense with information.

So, how do you make your ideas easy to follow in English?

?? Use a simple structure that is easy to follow, opening, body and ending.

Three is the magic psyhological number and easy for our brains to remember thing grouped in ‘three’.

Presenting and explaining technical ideas in English

One way we use in our training is for professionals to divide their talk/idea into three clear parts:

—- opening, body and ending.

—- opening = use a rhetorical question or an attention grabbing statistic or fact.

—- body = main body is where you put your key ideas. Filter and organise so you explain only the key ideas.

—- ending = you want to leave the audience with a strong message or idea

?? Here are some useful techniques and vocabulary (see the image of our Business English script above) from our training to help you:

✅ Opening – questions
✅ Opening – rhetorical questions
✅ Opening – summary and main benefit

✅ Body: Chronological (past, present, future)
✅ Body: Sequence
✅ Body: Comparative & Contrast
✅ Body: Topic & subtopics
✅ Body: Problem & Solution


See also our popular post ‘how to give good online presentations in English’ 


The English Training Company, we help companies and professionals to become Advanced Business English Speakers.

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This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 24th March 2021 under the categories: Presenting In English Tips
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