How to use your voice to improve your virtual meetings in English. (Read the post or watch the 3 min video explanation on our TETC Youtube channel).
Do you know how to use your voice to improve your virtual meetings in English? When we ask professionals in our training the answer we receive is usually “No”.
And although English is not your first language you can use your voice to improve your virtual meetings in English as well as really improve your communication in English.
The voice is an incredibly powerful tool for communicating and connecting to other people. Think of how many boring virtual meetings in English you have attended and I bet a ‘boring voice’ or ‘speakers using a monotonous tone’ would be key factors.
So in virtual meetings the advantage is there for any professional who aligns these three factors: a good message (spoken words) uses their voice well and their body language.
?? We give you 4 tips that have helped lots of professionals in our training:
Use of Voice
1) Voice – use energy in your voice to transmit key points
2) Voice – use pauses for effect to emphasise key points
3) Voice – use a variety of 5 things (intonation, speed, tone, volume and pauses) to make your talk sound more interesting
4) Voice – video record yourself speaking and presenting to evaluate and give yourself feedback (good points and areas to improve). Practice-record-watch/evaluate-practice-record-watch/evaluate.
I hope this helps you with your professional English and in your professional career, Christopher!
The English Training Company – we help companies and professionals to become Advanced Business English Speakers and make their mark!