How To Feel More Comfortable Speaking And Presenting In English - Three Quick Techniques - The English Training Company

How To Feel More Comfortable Speaking And Presenting In English – Three Quick Techniques

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How to feel more comfortable speaking and presenting in English. Non native English speakers often have these three fears when speaking and presenting in English:

  • forgetting details and getting blocked
  • speaking English well (meaning – not making big mistakes in English)
  • sounding natural when speaking

And this is normal, because speaking and presenting in another language is hard work!! (I know as I speak and present in both Spanish and English). How To Feel More Comfortable Speaking And Presenting In English, see our quick training solution below.


Solution – How To Feel More Comfortable Speaking And Presenting In English – Three Quick Techniques

So how can we overcome these three fears? Here are three quick techniques we use a lot with professionals.

In our training we get professionals to do three things:

1)     audio record yourself and listen to yourself. Focus only on feeling relaxed and comfortable when speaking and presenting in English (remember it’s not a grammar exam and it’s fine to make mistakes!!).

2)     practise (rehearse) your presentation, firstly reading, then using only notes and finally using only your ‘presentation cheat sheet’ (chuleta).

3)     use ‘anchoring words’ to write your ‘presentation cheat sheet’ (chuleta). This involves selecting key words (1-3 words) per slide, which help your brain to instantly remind you of related ideas or concepts. See my example below.

(E.g.) Presentation Cheat Sheet

Here is my example ‘presentation cheat sheet’ for a client presentation:

Slide 1 – introduction, rhetorical question

Slide 2 – audience (client) why

Slide 3 – objective, content

Slide 4 – fear /uncontrollable variable costs

Slide 5 – fear /early warning

Slide 6 – fear/quick response

Slide 7 – summary

Slide 8 – client action (call to action)


Good luck, be brave and remember practising is key!! I hope this helps you in your company and with your professional career, Christopher!


Presentations in English – Intro Pack (150 phrases in English for presentations). 


The English Training Company – ayudamos a las empresas y a los profesionales a convertirse en Advanced business English speakers y así dejan huella!


The English Training Company – we help companies and professionals to become advanced business English speakers and make their mark!





This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 22nd January 2019 under the categories: Fluency, Confidence and Motivation, Presenting In English Tips
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