Accelerate your speaking confidence in English with training with VR - The English Training Company

Accelerate your speaking confidence in English with training with VR


As you know we’ve been working on our new training workshops with VR (Virtual Reality).

And here’s why training workshops with VR help professionals and managers to accelerate their soft skills and speaking confidence in English (in English and in Spanish). 


Here’s why training workshops with VR help professionals and managers.

? Accelerate the speaking confidence in English and soft skills of professionals and managers in a reduced time period with training workshops with VR (virtual reality) ?


? Did you know that training with VR (virtual reality) accelerates professionals’ and managers’ performance after the training?  
? A study by PWC study 2020 found VR learners were:

✅ 4 times faster to train than in the classroom
✅ 275% more confident to apply skills learned after training

? Ask for a demo of training workshops with VR for your company, email us or email me directly Christopher Wright 🙂 !

The English Training Company

#vrtraining #businesspractice #speakingconfidence #presentingconfidence

¿Por qué el training con realidad virtual (los talleres con realidad virtual) ayuda a los profesionales y a los managers? (en español).

? Acelerar la confianza al hablar inglés y las soft skills de los profesionales y los managers en un tiempo reducido, el training con realidad virtual ? 


¿Sabías que la formación con realidad virtual es un claro acelerador en el entrenamiento de empleados?
? Según un estudio de PWC del 2020 los usuarios capacitados con realidad virtual fueron:

✅ 4 veces más rápidos de formar que en un aula.
✅ 275% más seguros para aplicar las habilidades aprendidas después de la formación.

? Pide una demo de training con realidad virtual (para empresas) por email / email de la empresa, Christopher Wright 🙂 ! .

The English Training Company

#vrtraining #businesspractice #speakingconfidence #presentingconfidence
This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 31st March 2022 under the categories: Fluency, Confidence and Motivation, Meeting In English Tips, Presenting In English Tips
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