Emails in English. Do you use power words? - The English Training Company

Emails in English. Do you use power words?

Emails in English Use Power Words.

Emails in English Use Power Words.

When you write emails in English do you use power words?

And which ones in the video or list below do you use?

‘Power words for emails’ were the most popular words used in professional emails by over 12,000 professionals in a Hays Recruitment Study (Hays Recruitment is one of the biggest recruitment companies in the world).

And they defined ‘power words’ as words that sounded smart, sophisticated and successful in emails in English.

Why are power words in emails in English important?

Simply put, it helps you improve your personal branding as a top professional and using power words help you project a good professional image in emails in English.

*** Why is personal branding so important? Basically, it’s about thinking about ourselves as professionals, as if we were brands, and thinking about what professional values we want to stand out when we are communicating (spoken and written) with other professionals.


Emails in English Use Power Words.

?? (In the video lesson) and here is a short list of ‘power words’ from our training to help you with your professional emails in English:

✅ you, we

✅ free, advice without cost, value for money, cost effective, low cost

✅ success, successful

✅ now, immediate, fast, today

✅ easy, efficient, effective

✅ benefits, advantages, results

Emails in English Use Power Words.


  • Try using three power words in your emails in English during one day.
  • Try using five power words in your emails in English during one day.
  • Try using seven power words in your emails in English during one day.


Read one of our popular posts about emailing in English. Why are business emails in English so confusing – part I?


The English Training Company, we help companies and professionals to become Advanced Business English Speakers.

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This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 1st June 2021 under the categories: Emailing In English Tips
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