Do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better? - The English Training Company

Do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better?

Do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better? This is a common question in our training.

Do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better?

Sometimes I hear clients say things like “I have studied English for years, I should have a better level.”

And we all want to be as confident and fluent as possible, but when you learn English, the journey is half the fun (so try to enjoy it and realise it’s a journey which takes time)!

This is a common question in our training, “do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better?”.

(Here are some quick tests to test your English level and also your Business English level with Cambridge English tests)

Why do you sometimes feel like your level SHOULD be better than it is?

I feel this way too sometimes when I compare myself with other online teachers and trainers who have accomplished more than me.

It’s a normal human behaviour (we like to focus on the negative) but it’s not helpful. And it’s a ‘bad habit’ that you and I need to go cold turkey on (e.g. a bad habit we need to give up).

Do you ever feel like your Business English level should be better?

This is what I talk about in this week’s video above – I explain four techniques from our training that have helped lots of professionals:

✅ Be proud and enjoy the learning journey (it’s half the fun :))

– appreciate how far you have come to get to this level (not everyone can understand this video and post). And be proud of all your hard work to get here.

✅ Past vs present

– don’t focus on your past actions, focus on your present actions as that determines your future success.

✅ Stop comparing yourself to other people

– comparing yourself to others only creates a negative circle of frustration and won’t help you. Compare yourself only to your ‘past self’ and ask yourself, “how have I improved?” or “how can I improve?”.

✅ Start celebrating your accomplishments

– we are all really quick to focus on the negative, but the best way to start feeling better about yourself is to start celebrating your accomplishments. So you can see that each accomplishment is helping to be on the right track! (e.g. doing things the right way to make progress)


“What’s the one thing you have learned in English this month, that you didn’t know last month?”  Share your accomplishments with us in the comments and by email (!


I hope this helps you with your Business English and career opportunities!

Have a good week, Christopher




More top stuff (read and watch): What are your fluency goals in Business English?



The English Training Company, we help companies and professionals to become Advanced Business English Speakers.

More top resources in our web and popular Business English newsletter


This post was written by Christopher Wright and published on 16th December 2020 under the categories: Fluency, Confidence and Motivation
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