Speak, meet and present more comfortably and confidently in English

Practical English training for companies and professionals

Training Services: (1) English Classes for Companies and Professionals. (2) 1 to 1 Presentations Coaching. (3) Workshops and Intensives.

Active clients


Training Services


  1. English Classes for Companies and Professionals

  2. 1 to 1 Presentations Coaching in English

  3. Workshops and Intensives

  4. Workshops + practice with online simulations


1) English Classes for Companies and Professionals

= Online or Face to Face. Classes 1 to 1 and classes in groups.

Business English and General English classes for companies and professionals.

Methodology: Practical and dynamic Business English and General English classes. Business English classes also include a focus on the skills of speaking, meeting and presenting more comfortably and confidently in English. Evaluations and progress reports.



2) 1 to 1 Presentations Coaching in English

= Online or Face to Face. Presentations Coaching 1 to 1 (for individuals).

Transform your presentations in English and present more comfortably and confidently in English.

Methodology: Practical English training and learning through practice. We apply coaching techniques to presenting in English and the coaching process is based on these areas to help you: overcome your fears, practice presentation skills in English, give personalised coaching feedback, have an accountability partner and motivate you to achieve your Presentation in English goals.

*Level of English needed, B2 and/or C1.


3) Workshops and Intensives

= Workshops and intensives for groups. Online or face to face.

Methodology: Highly practical training. Learning by practicing. Coaching and feedback.

Programs: each program is 6 sessions of 1.5 hours or 2 sessions of 4 hours.



4) Workshops + practice with online simulations

= Workshops + practice with online simulations. Online or face to face.

Goal: Get your team to increase speaking confidence and professional fluency in English faster by practicing.

Practice doing presentations, sales presentations and sales pitches, meetings, elevator pitches, networking events, press conferences, TV and radio interviews.

Methodology: workshops + practicing with online simulations + practicing in front of the group and coach + feedback + coaching.

(*online simulations without VR headsets)

7 Programs (each program is 9 hours, with 6 sessions of 1.5 hours):

  1. Presenting in English
  2. Leadership Communication Skills
  3. Media Communication Training (press conference, tv and radio interviews and media ambush)
  4. Effective Meeting Skills
  5. Business Networking and Small talk
  6. Sales Presentations and Pitches
  7. Customised program (choose the online simulations to practice)


(*programs for groups and individuals. Level of English B2 and/or C1)

More information and programs



Why learning by practicing?

“Most professionals and managers lack real practice to speak, meet and present more comfortably and confidently in English”.

According to a study by PWC (2022) – “Learning by practicing with online simulations and VR training made learners…”

“4x times faster to train than in the classroom, 275% more confident to apply skills learned after training, 3.75x times more emotionally connected to content than classroom learners,  4x more focused than their e-learning peers.”

(Read more from the PWC study 2022)


Contact us now!

The English Training Company
Calle Granada 42, Madrid 28007.

Contact person: Christopher Wright

M: 695 51 34 66

Email: info@englishtco.com

Contact us by email at ‘info@englishtco.com‘, telephone, or via our contact form below.

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    Our Company

    About Us: 

    Our mission: Helping companies and professionals to speak, meet and present more comfortably and confidently in English.

    The English Training Company is a company that specialises in increasing speaking confidence in English for professionals and managers with our ultra-practical programs. Learning by practicing.



    “Speak, meet and present more comfortably and confidently in English. Learning by practicing.”

    — Christopher Wright, Co-Director, The English Training Company.

    LinkedIn – https://www.linkedin.com/in/christopherwright1/





    Christopher Wright - Co-director and Senior Trainer

    Christopher has 15+ years of business, training and coaching experience. In Spain, Christopher has had clients with Airbus, Técnicas Reunidas, McKinsey, Buy VIP/Amazon and Google Campus TechHub plus a lot of SMEs (small and medium sized companies). He specializes in Business English, speaking, meeting and presenting in English with confidence! He has a Masters (M.Sc) degree from Manchester Business School and an Economics degree from The University of Manchester, UK.

    Christopher was a product manager for a General Electric subsidiary in the US, and a marketing and business development consultant for SMEs in London, UK. He also founded and was a director at SANZA Engineers, an international recruitment company for Engineers and Project Managers in London. He was a founding president of 'Toastmasters International' in Madrid (a public speaking organization in 122 countries) and is an advanced public speaker having given over 100 presentations in both English and Spanish. Take a look at the Testimonials section for further insight into Christopher’s approach.

    Clients & Testimonials

    Productive, adaptable and enjoyable

    We are a technical department, in the energy business, based in Spain that some years ago started working with colleagues in the UK. We have to do work onsite, write reports in English and have both face to face and on the phone meetings.
    Steve has been working with us since October 2014, helping us to develop our oral, writing and listening capabilities, as well as helping us in dealing with some cultural differences with our UK colleagues.
    He is able to adapt his teaching abilities to the class he is working with at any moment. He has been able to focus classes to our needs in engineering and has an open attitude making classes productive and enjoyable.
    If you want to improve your English from any angle in a professional and pleasant way, he is your man.
    Ignacio Real Rubio,
    Iberdrola Head of Structural Integrity Deparment

    Bien preparadas, entretenidas y útiles

    Steve es un gran profesor, ameno y metódico en sus clases, y siempre dispuesto a profundizar sobre los temas de interés de sus alumnos y alumnas. Sus clases se basan en lecturas y comentarios de temas de actualidad con enfoques poco habituales, que obligan a pensar, a desarrollar un discurso propio en inglés y a defenderlo en clase. Son sesiones muy entretenidas, y a la vez muy preparadas. Este método a mí me resulta muy útil tanto para refrescar términos como para perfeccionar la conversación en ámbitos especializados.
    Nuria Castejon
    Secretaria Técnica del Observatorio de Cooperación Universitaria al Desarrollo
    Crue Universidades Españolas

    Dinámicas y amenas

    He recibido clases de inglés durante muchos años, y no siempre han sido buenas o productivas. Con Steve las clases son dinámicas y amenas a la vez que productivas y enriquecedoras. ¡Aprendes inglés sin darte cuenta! Lo que más me gusta es que Steve prepara fenomenal las clases, haciéndolas totalmente personalizadas. Cubre las necesidades de cada alumno en todo momento. Para mí Steve es un profesor TOTALMENTE RECOMENDABLE, infunde una ABSOLUTA CONFIANZA y tiene una GRAN PROFESIONALIDAD
    María Nieto
    Técnico en Actividades de Crue Universidades Españolas

    Gran profesor

    Empecé el curso con Steve en Marzo y reconozco que es el mejor profesor de Ingles que he tenido. Clases muy amenas donde aprendes muchísimo vocabulario y ganas confianza en ti mismo para soltarte a hablar de cualquier tema. Muy buenas las clases de exposiciones y de debate. Gran profesor.
    Rafael Castro, Banco de Santander

    Profesionalidad intachable

    Mi experiencia con Steve fue muy positiva. Disponía de tan solo dos semanas para preparar una entrevista en un Hospital de Londres y desde el minuto 1, respondió a mis expectativas. Te da exactamente lo que necesitas con una profesionalidad intachable. Mi nivel de inglés no era muy alto pero él supo sacar de mi lo mejor para tener éxito. Así fue y ahora escribo desde Londres. Un placer, repetiría sin dudarlo ni un segundo.
    Antonio Fuentes, NHS (Reino Unido) Partera

    Excelente profesor

    Steve es un excelente profesor de inglés. Dedica interés y tiempo en preparar sus clases, que son siempre amenas. Además, por mi trabajo tengo que hacer presentaciones orales de carácter técnico, y Steve me ha dado consejos muy efectivos para mejorarlas y conseguir mantener la atención del oyente.
    Marta García, Funcionario, Head of CSN unit

    Gran profesor

    Método de estudio ameno y muy interactivo, alumnos-profesor que te permite ir ganando confianza y soltura en la conversación. Clases muy interesantes hablando temas de actualidad. Un gran profesor!
    Agur Lekanda, Armani Trade Marketing Manager

    Dinámico y entusiasta

    Las clases con Steve son muy amenas, didácticas y poco a poco generan confianza en tu capacidad de entender y expresarte en inglés. Prepara a conciencia la clase de cada día y no improvisa siendo la clase flexible ya que siempre se tocan temas de actualidad y temas de interés del alumno. También te motiva para poco a poco vayas construyendo frases cada vez más complejas. Se preocupa por ir introduciendo expresiones nuevas, vocabulario y lenguaje actual. Dinámico y entusiasta.
    Iván Romero, Arquitecto (autónomo)

    Muy satisfactorio

    Steve es un profesor nativo con una buena preparación como profesor de inglés. Prepara muy bien las clases, las hace dinámicas e incluye tanto ejercicios de speaking y listening, como de vocabulario específico en Business y algo de gramática. A parte de loanterior, es un tipo amable y de trato fácil, las clases no se hacen pesadas a pesar de ser el viernes por la tarde-noche. RESULTADO FINAL: MUY SATISFACTORIO!!
    Gonzalo Labordo, KPMG Auditor

    Quick progress focused on personal goals

    I’d like to say ‘thanks’ to Chris because his training was the most helpful step for me in learning English.
    In the first class, we formulated clear goals with KPIs as to what I expected to see improve after the course. It seemed for me strange the question about how I see my level now. But after the first session, I’ve felt more freedom and confidence, using English.
    Each lesson gave me very simple and useful advice how I can be smart and sophisticated in writing English right now. After the 2 month course, I realized that we accomplished all our goals that we set at the beginning. Now I feel comfortable working in the English-speaking environment. Chris is the best person for anyone who is looking for opportunities in an international environment, but feel uncomfortable with English, who would like to make quick progress, with never boring lessons focused on personal goals.
    Elena Zemlyanskaya,
    Business Development Executive
    Global Corporate Venturing

    Objetivos cumplidos

    Ha sido un descubrimiento trabajar con Christopher. Realmente el tiempo y los recursos que se invierten retornan con los objetivos cumplidos.
    Damian Rios, Asendia Spain Country Manager

    Success in Silicon Valley

    I strongly recommend Christopher's work with entrepreneurs helping them prepare their elevator pitch to be successful in Silicon Valley.
    Jose Luis Moreno,
    Board Advisory Services EY Director.
    BoD Madrid Inland Revenue Office.

    Una experiencia muy positiva

    Mi experiencia con Christopher como formador en English Business Presentations ha sido muy positiva. Su enfoque se basa en la practicidad y profesionalidad; consiguiendo con ello que mejores en la comunicación y saques más provecho ante situaciones de negociación en inglés con personas de otros países y culturas en nuestro día a día.
    Su conocimiento sobre otras culturas ayuda a enfocar mejor estas situaciones, obteniendo pautas diferentes en función de si el interlocutor es de origen asiático, americano, europeo, etc.
    Javier Pinero Rojo,
    Financial Analyst and Controlling

    He exceeded all my expectations

    Christopher is a great professional in his field. I have known him since the moment I was looking for a talented business trainer who could help me improve my communication skills in English. He got the best recommendations and, with the time, he exceeded all my expectations. Christopher has a great talent to bring out the best abilities of his clients and his methodology is very effective and enjoyable. Moreover, Christopher has a charming personality and a very interesting multi-cultural background which reinforces his outstanding training abilities. I personally recommend Christopher as a great trainer and as a very good professional.
    Miguel García
    Director ejecutivo

    I am very glad I chose The English Training Company to improve my communication skills in English

    I am very glad I chose The English Training Company to improve my communication skills in English and practice English. Chris and his team are well trained professionals who make sure to prepare each class individually according to the student's needs. They have helped me a lot to improve my communication skills, by practicing job interviews and job related presentations. I cannot recommend them enough!
    Marianela González - BBVA Asset Management

    Su foco en desarrollar no sólo el inglés, si no la capacidad de comunicación, de transmitir aquello que estás contando es diferencial.

    La experiencia de aprender inglés con The English Training Company es radicalmente diferente a las que había tenido previamente con muchos otros centros de formación en idiomas. Su foco en desarrollar no sólo el inglés, si no la capacidad de comunicación, de transmitir aquello que estás contando es diferencial.
    Además, su enfoque personalizado, enfocado en las fortalezas y debilidades de cada alumno, hace que el resultado y el aprovechamiento de cada sesión sea el máximo.
    Por todo ello, recomiendo a cualquier persona que pruebe The English Training Company y su método, es un acelerador para mejorar la capacidad de comunicación en inglés.
    Javier Saldaña, Director Innovación, Ayming España / Ayming Spain.

    I wanted to improve my presentation skills and communication in English and run away from boring ‘fill in the gaps ‘ classes.

    I wanted to improve my presentation skills and communication in English and run away from boring ‘fill in the gaps ‘ classes. Chris and TETC provided with what I was looking for. We work on presentations, how to grab attention and remain professional, how to structure my ideas and deliver them on a concise way. I can only recommend. It worths every second you invest.
    Sara Solana, EU Senior Payment Expert, SWIFT.

    The English Training Company se ha convertido en mi partner para mejorar mi inglés.

    The English Training Company se ha convertido en mi partner para mejorar mi inglés. El estar alineados con mis objetivos, trabajar diferentes situaciones en base a mis necesidades, y la flexibilidad, son las claves que les diferencia.
    Marco Conde, CEO, Motoreto.

    The English Training Company and Chris have clearly shown me the way to make an English presentation with impact.

    The English Training Company and Chris have clearly shown me the way to make an English presentation with impact. That means not only how to grab the attention but also to succeed in a correctly structured speech. Thank you very much for your valuable tips!
    Aida López Merino, Directora. Estrategia e Innovación. Ayming España / Ayming Spain.

    Su capacidad para transmitir sus conocimientos, su valor como coach de ejecutivos, y su impresionante entendimiento del mundo del inglés de los negocios y de los propios negocios en sí es digna de destacar.

    (The English Training Company) Chris es el mejor profesional que he conocido en su área. Su capacidad para transmitir sus conocimientos, su valor como coach de ejecutivos, y su impresionante entendimiento del mundo del inglés de los negocios y de los propios negocios en sí es digna de destacar.
    Manuela Serrano Sánchez, Socia responsable del Área de Concursal y Reestructuraciones de empresas. Ceca Magán Abogados.